Become a European leader!

Applications are now open to join the Model European Commission. Test your leadership skills, learn about EU decision-making and politics and meet people from all over Europe.

di Staff

Have you ever thought you could be one of tomorrow’s leaders? What if there was a place where you could test your leadership skills?  This can be your chance to figure out if you are a decision-maker: applications for theModel European Union 2013 are now open until 9 September.

The Model European Union is a unique simulation of EU decision-making and politics, especially addressed to young Europeans. During the simulation, which takes place annually in Strasbourg, participants debate two controversial, real-life legislative proposals drafted by the European Commission and simulate EU law-making by acting as Members of the European Parliament or Members of the Council of the European Union.
To enhance the realism of the event participants will cover different roles. Some of them will act as lobbyists, working towards influencing the decision-making process in favour of the interests they represent. Others will represent the press and will cover the debates through press conferences, interviews and they will analyse them in a daily newspaper and video footage. Other candidates will be interpreters, offering professional interpreting services in the national languages of the EU using the special equipment provided by the European Parliament.
The project is open to people from 18 to 26 years old and the ideal applicant is a tolerant and open person who can actively participate to a debate and relate to others.

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