Creative Generation

Sharing stories to build a better future

di Cristina Barbetta

Creative Generation, an intergenerational participatory audiovisual project to create links between communities of residents living in neighborhoods in London, will be launched  on Friday, 17 February 2012, in St Martin’s Estate,South London.

The project is designed and developed by Big Bang Lab, a London based leading cultural-social enterprise and creative development agency working from consultancy to production across digital media film, music and heritage, together with High Trees Community Development Trust, an organization providing adult learning opportunities and ongoing service to the wider community.

The aim of Creative Generation, a combination of creative oral history with civic journalism,  is to  bring young and older people together to share their stories and interact together. The organizers of the project are persuaded that, in order to create alternative visions for the future , especially given the current socioeconomic scenario, it is necessary  to talk and to listen to each other. In  a society where relationships between old and new generations are very few, confronting with each other may bring solutions to problems.

”We are looking at cultural heritage as a social innovation tool. We design and implement programmes that transform the use of assets, archives and the intangible knowledge of old generations and memories to new products and services that will enable communities to make it relevant and become a sustainable source of development” (Sergio López Figueroa, founder of Big Bang Lab).

Big Bang Lab is collecting stories about any issue and experience that meant something to individuals and their community in London as well as any memories of the past and ideas for the future. Some of the topics that have been discussed so far during the interviews are: isolation, community life, riot, politics, youth unemployment and  success stories.

Please find attached the invitation to the launch of Creative Generation project.

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