Learn about microcredit in 5 days!

The 8th Microcredit Week starts today

di Cristina Barbetta

Today starts the the 8th Microcredit Week (Semaine du Microcredit) in France and it will last until  10 February. Aimed at those who want  to start their own business thanks to the huge potentials of microcredit, the event  is mainly targeted to people who are excluded from the job market and who don’t have access to bank loans.

Adie (an acronym for Association pour le Droit à l’Initiative Economique=Association for the Right to Economic Initiative) the organizer of the Week,  is the pioneer microcredit organization in France. In 2011 Adie  supported more than 14 thousand people (10% more compared to 2010) and gave 100 thousand microcredit loans.

Even  Professor Muhammad Yunus, the inventor of microcredit,  has recognized Adie as a microcredit leader in France.

Created on the occasion of the International Microcredit Year in 2005, the  Adie Microcredit Week,organized every year, aims to make people aware of the importance of microcredit and of enterprise as solutions  to struggle against unemployment  and social exclusion and to inform entrepreneurs about the training offered by Adie, in order for them to perpetuate their projects, and finally to encourage those who want to carry out a project to move on to actions  and to deposit their project.

In only 5 days , the 2011 edition allowed more than 45 thousand people to get informed on microcredit. 7000 of these people were identified as potential candidates for a microcredit loan given by Adie.  

The Microcredit Week,  with 200 events all over France (including its overseas departments and territories !) will feature:

–  A blog dedicated to the debate on enterprise creation www.adie-colloqueinverse.org

–  A “reversed” conference(colloque “inversé”) at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Paris on the 8th of February that will allow entrepreneurs to speak and to question candidates to Presidential elections  www.adie-colloqueinverse.org/un-colloque-inverse

–  More than 250 information points all over France regions including overseas departments and territories’ regions

–  An active presence of the partners of Adie

–  An information forum at Place de la Nation in Paris +  open days at Adie’s antennas +  events in big provincial cities

To know more about this event: www.adie.org

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