‘Accounting for work’ is a duty for everybody within societyandall organizations should be accountable for their social responsibility”. This is the thesis of Paolo D’Anselmi’s new book, “Values and stakeholders in an Era of Social Responsibility”.
By analyzing what CSR is, D’Anselmi, CSR professor at the University of Rome Tor Vergata, extends the concenpt to all organizations in the economy (private and public).
Critical of sustainability and responsibility as it appears in the CSR reports of corporations, he analyses these reports presenting them as cases in capsule form to help demonstrate that responsibility is for all organizations and how being subject to competition is a key driver of accountability.
According to Herman B. “Dutch” Leonard, CSR professor at the Harvard University : “This book provides the most searching reformulation of how to think about CSR to appear in decades.” The book will be presented on 6 December at the Italian Cultural Institute in London, by D’Anselmi.
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