Spice up your life

Three websites for better employment, where better isn't necessarily more but happier

di Staff

Living in uncertain, or as some might say “interesting” times has many downsides. Meagre pickings in the job market, salaries that barely cover rent and food, little chance of a career that matches your expectations. But it also may have one huge, underestimated advantage: taking chances is far less risky than ever before, after all what is there to loose?

If this strikes a chord in you chances are you have already scoured the web searching for opportunities. Here are a few that may have escaped your notice.

Screw work let’s play!

When the going gets tough the tough get going, or so they say. But what if you could find a way to get paid for doing what you love? Or even better, for playing? This is the theory behind a website and book which aim to teach you how to turn your career into a machine that doesn’t just make money but happiness too. Getting started on the website is made easy by free audio and text downloads.



Escape the City

Everything you’ve ever wanted from a job searching website but haven’t been able to find anywhere. Amazing opportunities in amazing locations, whatever your ambitions. Jobs that won’t necessarily make your bank account much richer but that will turn you into one of those people who actually do stuff. And real life stories of people who have traded their 9-5 jobs for adventure and come out alive on the other side.



Cool Jobs

This website doesn’t win in the graphic design department but it will definitely get you dreaming. It’s the kind of website you would have wanted to find 20 years ago, except in those days there was no internet. This website will not only make you forget about changing your career, it will make you forget you ever wanted a career and before you know it you’ll be taming lions in a circus (ouch, thats not a very socially responsible job).


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