September blues
Back at work and in need of inspiration? Four websites that will kick you into gear

After a summer spent frolicking in the beach, countryside, mountains or touring the world in search of culture, excitement or culinary adventure (or even just sleeping in till late even on a week day), slipping into the office routine can be daunting.
Here are a few websites that might help to inspire you and ease the pain of waving goodbye to your holidays.
Be Everyday
Founded by Olof Soebech, an environmentalist and dancer seeking ways to bridge the gap between good intentions, real environmental impact and modern lifestyles, Be Everday provides true stories of real people who are making a difference through small actions. The project has only just launched so there are a limited number of stories, but suggestions and experiences are welcomed.
Do Lecture
Like TED Talks, Do Lectures are inspiring videos of inspiring people talking about ways to change the world. Unlike TED, anyone can participate to the events held in scenic places in Great Britain and soon the USA.
The news headlines are full of the world’s problems. But who is talking about the solutions? Well, there is Good, of course. But there is also an online newspaper (out on Beta) that might be worthwhile keeping an eye on: Dowser, especially for its truly global focus.
Social Edge
Despite an uninspiring graphic website design, Social Edge’s Blogs section is full of great stories and throws you interesting, unconventional and sometimes crazy ideas as well as dozens of tried and tested social solutions.
Nessuno ti regala niente, noi sì
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