
Yalla Italia

A new web magazine written by second generation immigrants

di Staff

Yalla Italia, a new web magazine written by second generation immigrants was launched in Italy last week, just a few months after the prime ministers of Germany, France and Great Britain declared the death of multiculturalism in Europe.

The project is promoted by Vita Europe’s publishing company, Vita and aims to give voice to a new generation of Italians who define themselves as “a group of young people who offer their point of view on a complex reality, without hiding behind reassuring stereotypes”.

In the “About us” section of the website, the young team of writers and bloggers declares that they will express their opinion “not as Italians, Arabs or Europeans but simply as new citizens belonging to two different worlds.”

According to Wikipedia, multiculturalism is the “appreciation, acceptance or promotion of multiple cultures, applied to the demographic  make-up of a specific place, usually at the organizational level”.

We all know that Wikipedia is not the most reliable source but looking at the second generation immigrants, listening to the way they master their two languages, observing the young Muslim girls who wear the veil and the ones who decide not wear it, this definition seems so appropriate that makes us doubt that multiculturalism is really dead in Europe.

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