
Italian culture taught in Polish schools

Developmental traineeship: read Massimiliano’s story

di Cristina Barbetta

Massimiliano Ragusa, 23, is a member of AIESEC – the world’s largest student driven organization. Last year he joined an AIESEC international internship.

–  What are you studying? Which university are you attending? I am attending a degree course in Internationalisation of commercial relationships at the Faculty of Political Sciences in Catania, Sicily.

– What kind of internship did you choose and why?  I chose a developmental traineeship both because I didn’t feel ready for a long-term experience and because I thought these social projects could be a unique experience from a human and a professional point of view. And that was how it was! 

 – Which country and which city did you go to? I went to Krakow, in Poland.   

– How long did your internship last? It lasted six weeks. I left to go to Poland in April 2010.

–  What was your internship about exactly? My project was called: “Ready, Steady … World!” and consisted in going to secondary schools in Krakow, attended by students aged 13-16, to speak about the Italian culture and stimulate their creativity through different activities and games. Over the course of six weeks I went to more than twelve schools coming into contact with people coming from different backgrounds.

 – Five things you learnt during the internship? I learned to gain self- confidence, to speak in front of a vast public (often more than 40 people). I learned how beautiful and rewarding a smile is, how important is to help and support each other when you are working in a team.

– Why did you choose to go to Poland and to Kracow in particular? I chose Poland and Krakow in particular because it is a city that has always attracted me for its history and beauty. Now that I know it quite well I can say it is a unique city. What brought me to choose Poland was not the country itself, but the experience I was going to have! 

 – What was the best moment of your experience? The best moments were the look, the smiles, the enthusiasm of the Polish students when we, the AIESEC team (two Italians, one Chinese and one Indian girl) entered their classes. Also, the visit to Auschwitz concentration camp changed my life completely. 

–  Would you change your experience in any way? Absolutely not! I would maybe change the Polish weather; it is too cold there!

– Any suggestions for students who are about to leave on an AIESEC internship? Leave to go abroad with a lot of enthusiasm; be ready to broaden your horizons to discover new places. 

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