Non profit


Non Profit ID card. EVPA, the European Venture Philanthropy Association in Brussels, Belgium

di Cristina Barbetta

Non Profit ID card: present your project/organisation/campaign

–       Where are you based? Brussels.

–       What are you called? EVPA, the European Venture Philanthropy Association.

–       What are you doing and why? “Informing, connecting, engaging, impacting”. We inform, connect, and engage with everyone interested in venture philanthropy. We aim to make an impact on the social return of philanthropic investment. EVPA is a unique network of venture philanthropy funds and others committed to high-engagement philanthropy in Europe.

–       Do you have a website/email?;

–       What makes you so special? Venture philanthropy is a relatively new and original approach to charitable giving; using venture capital methods for the social sector.


The turning point

–       How did you start? The association was founded in 2004 by a small group of 5 individuals coming from the private equity world who wanted to channel their skills and energy towards philanthropy.

–       What keeps you going every day? A few years after our modest start, the association now counts more than 100 members.  This validates our work’s relevance!

–       Who is your target? Private equity firms, banks, foundations, educational institutions, law firms.

–       How are you financed? Membership fees, our 4 principal sponsors: KPMG, 3i, Barclays Private Equity, and Pantheon Private Equity, as well as private donations.


The challenge

–       A proud moment? Our annual conference, which will be held in Amsterdam this year and has attracted more than 350 leading personalities from the philanthropy and finance world.

–       A problem you face? We are growing very fast. Managing a start up is exciting but tiring.

–       Your personal motto when things get hard? It’s all for a good cause.

–       Another cool project/organisation/campaign you would like to recommend?

Check out our annual directory at

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