Foundations in France are young but they are growing. According to the report Foundations in France in 2007, the presence of foundations in France increased by 32 percent between 2001 and 2007. By 2007 there were 1,443 active foundations in the country. [20]
During this period corporate foundations grew by 164 percent. [20]
In 2005 the total of grants made was €339.86 million. These sums were given as prizes, scholarships and subsidies to third persons. [20]
Compared to other European countries France has relatively few foundations. A report done by the Centre for Social Investment suggests that this is due to three factors which act as disincentives to the creation and growth of French foundations. First foundations are strictly governed by the government, next French associations – the most active type of non profit in France- have already assumed the work of foundations and finally strict French inheritance law restricts the amount of private capital available for the creation or growth of foundations. [21]
The report found that 60 percent of founders were men, 53 percent were retirees and 74 percent came from the private sector or were self-employed. [20]
French foundations are most active in the social activity sector (27 percent of all foundations), the art and culture sector (19 percent) and the health sector (18 percent).[20]
Most foundations, 66 percent, are structured as grant-making bodies. Twenty-Two percent are structured as direct action organizations and run retirement homes, museums or provide other services. The remaining 12 percent have a hybrid structure and have both grant-making and direct activities as part of their mission. [20]
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