Integration and diversity in communities
Frankfurt will host the conference "Integration and Diversity in communities" in November 18.
di Staff
The conference “Integration and Diversity in communities” focuses on two areas of action: The personnel policy in the municipal administrations and the practice of municipal services for migrants. In these areas, municipalities can demonstrate how they have a non-discriminatory
Access to jobs and ensure local listings.
“Integration and Diversity in communities” invites local integration officers, politicians and integration politicians and representatives of social partners and civil society from the German-speaking areas into a practical experience with colleagues from other European communities: How can see in their respective countries, the institutional
Framework and legal requirements for integration policy? How does the approach of diversity and integration Antidiskrimierungspolitiken in the municipalities? Diversity is the future?
At the meeting are recommendations from the European network “Cities for local integration policy” (CLIP), which on the experience of 25 cities based. The recommendations are reports from the current practice of local integration and diversity policies of the cities of Amsterdam, Zurich and Wolverhampton added.
The goal is to establish common criteria for a European avant-garde local integration policy.
Dates & Venues: November 18, Frankfurt
Find out more: www.europeanagenda.eu/events/24052.php
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