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Undergraduates and aid for development

The IV Congress University and Cooperation for Development will take place from November 12-14 in the University “Autonoma” in Barcelona. It will value, analyze and propose challenges to the future of university cooperation for development.

di Staff

Catalan universities, both private and public, have organized the IV Congress University and Cooperation from November 12-14 at UAB (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona).

The goal of the congress is to analyze the results of university cooperation of the last 10 year development: its effectiveness, efficiency, quality. 

For the organizers it will be a chance for meetings, reflections, and explanations of future challenges, opportunities and defiance of university cooperation for development.

The congress will discuss 5 main issues:

–         concept and rise of cooperation in XX century;

–         university cooperation in the new agenda of  development;

–         quality and value of university cooperation actions;

–         university research regarding cooperation and development;

–         Cooperation and development education in the new European curricula.

The congress welcomes Rafael Grasa, university lecturer in International Relations at the UAB and first president of the “Instituto Catalàn Internacional por la Paz” (Catalan International Institute for Peace), and Lluìs Ferrer, representing the Agencia Catalana y Espanola de Cooperaciòn al Desarrollo (Catalan and Spanish Agency for Cooperation and development) and other Catalan Universities.

Date and venue: November 12-14, Barcelona, University Autonoma.

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