Non profit

Poland: volunteer workforce

How much people volunteering in Poland?

di Staff

The research “Condition of the Non-Governmental Sector in Poland 2006”realized by the Klon/Jawor Association, says that about 30% of adult Poles, representing 6.6 million people, dedicated their time to unpaid work in 2006. Although this is twice as much as in 2001, for the first time the development of volunteering halted in 2006.

Women engage in volunteering more often than men. 24% of women are engaged in volunteering, compared with 20% of men. Only 6.5% (in 2004 they were 11%) of organizations declare that they are supported by over 70 volunteers (who has engaged in the work of the organization at least once in the last year). In half of the organizations that cooperate with volunteers the number of volunteers has not exceeded 10.

The research “Condition of the Non-Governmental Sector in Poland 2006” realized by the Klon/Jawor Association reveals that the total number of members may be estimated at about 7-7.5 million.

The research refers also that the numbers of members has decreased from 2006 to 2004.

• In 2006, half the associations have no more than 36 members (10 less than in 2002, and 6 less than in 2004).

• Every fourth association has more than 70 members (in 2004, every fourth organization had more than 90 and, in 2002, more than 100 members).

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