Non profit

CSR forum in Poland

Tomorrow Warsaw will host the Responsible Business Forum, Poland's most important CSR event

di Staff


The Responsible Business Forum Conference 2008 is the most important events on CSR in Poland and is organized by the Responsible Business Forum (FOB), the first non governmental organization in Poland to provide an in-depth focus on the concept of corporate social responsibility.

The purpose of the “Responsible Business 2008” Conference is to discuss the importance of measuring and reporting on CSR performance and of implementing innovative CSR strategies.

The first day will focus on ‘Sustainable development’, understood as a philosophy of companies, institutions and organisations allowing them to achieve comprehensive and sustainable growth – balance of the three systems: economical, social and ecological. During the conference the Social Reports 2008 competition – ‘Awards for the best CSR reports’-.

On the second day will take place the CSR Market Place, where companies from over the country will present their achievements in the area of responsible business in an unconventional way.


Dates & Venue: 28 & 29 October, Centrum Konferencyjno-Kongresowe, Warsaw

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