
Croatia: Blogging Committee for Referendum on NATO

A bolgging committee for a referendum on NATO has been set up in Zagreb with the aim of securing Croatia's decision to join NATO through popular referendum.

di Oneworld Southeast Europe

Last Saturday, February 16, the BORNA ? Blogging Committee for Referendum on NATO was created in Zagreb. The Committee gathers individual bloggers active on blog.hr and bloger.hr portals, and on the group portal pollitika.com.

BORNA aims to secure that the decision for Croatia to join NATO is adopted on a popular referedum, in accordance with provisions in the Constitution and the Law.

The Committee also advocates the general use of referendum as a form of public plebiscite on especially important issues. In fact, Article 1 of the Constitution states that Power in the Republic of Croatia derives from the people and belongs to the people as a community of free and equal citizens. The people shall exercise this power through the election of representatives and through direct decision-making.

The Committee has established contacts with a number of associations and some political parties not represented in the Parliament, as well as parliamentary parties. It also contacted Zoran Milanovic, the President of the Social-Democratic Party, regarding his statement that such an important decision as NATO membership should go on a referendum.

Also, joining the online debate is the team that organized the ?to ka?e? NA TO? (What do you say about NATO?, which has expanded, reorganized and continues its efforts on proficing information on the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, under the name antiNATOffzg Initaitive, which has starte its own blog www.antinato.bloger.hr.

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