
Greece: Coalition against coal fires up

WWF-Greece and seven municipalities are joining forces to oppose several coal-fired power plant projects, on the grounds they will cause large increases of greenhouse gas emissions

di Staff

WWF-Greece and seven municipalities are joining forces to oppose several coal-fired power plant projects, on the grounds they will cause large increases of greenhouse gas emissions and cause local pollution problems.

?This coalition against coal aims to promote the principles of sustainable energy?, said Achilleas Plitharas, WWF-Geece?s Environmental Policy Campaigner.

?A coal-fired plant will pollute the environment, create health problems and damage the local economy?, said Prodromos Enotiadis, mayor of Kereos at Mantoudi.

?We will not sacrifice local development for the sake of coal. We fought in the past and are ready to fight again for our land and the future of our children.?

Demetres Vlachakis, vice-mayor of Astakos, said ?We need to ask ourselves what kind of development we want and also why climate change is not an issue taken seriously by Greek government.?

New plants planned
Coal-fired power plants are planned for Evia and Viotia, located between Athens and Larisa in Central Greece, and for Aitoloakarnania in the Western part, near Messolongi.

Two larger 1600 MW stations are also projected in the Northern Nea Karvali, near the town of Kavala and Central Almyros, in Thessaly.

It is proposed that coal be imported from Ukraine, China and South Africa, Greek coal being considered more expensive by the Greek State. The coalition is criticizing the Greek Regulatory Authority of Energy for welcoming such projects.

The alliance is also asking the Greek Minister of Development to dismiss every existing plans and similar proposals in the future. ?Through this coalition, local communities are clearly refusing to turn their land into Greece?s new energy dump?, said Plitharas.

The members of the coalition will launch a mailing campaign to MPs, stage a stunt in front of the Greek Parliament, organize workshops on coal and develop an internet site devoted to their activities.

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