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Italy: Water freedom, everyone’s right

"Libera l'acqua" is the slogan of a new campaign aiming to raise awarness and funds to bring water to 400 thousand people in developing world.

di Staff

Italian NGOs have launched a national water campaign to raise awareness on water themes. ?Today the scarcity of water in the world is a reality of unacceptable dimensions: more than one billion people do not have access to safe drinking water and almost 2 million children die every year from water related illnesses?, says the Cipsi, an Italian network of civil society initiatives.

Under the slogan, ?Libera l?acqua? (free water), the Cipsi will be raising awareness and funds to support 14 water related development projects in the developing world. The projects aim to bring water to 400 thousand people in 13 African countries, 4 Latin American countries and 3 Asian nations through the creation of partnerships, training programmes and water cleansing projects.

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