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Spain: Watching social economy enterprises grow

Follow the progress of Spain's social economy online. According to a recent study, 51% of Spain's social enterprises survive the five year mark and maintain their employment levels steady

di Ges

According to a recent official study, published on a website that allows users to follow the progress of Spain's social economy, 51.3% of social economy organisations are still in operation in Spain five years after having being created. As for the percentage of jobs maintained after the same period, it is 91.1%.

Social economy enterprises have an annual mortality rate of about 10%, the first being the most critical years of all.

As for the number of workers, these tend to grow during the first year (111.6%) thanks to the employment creation attached to surviving business projects (87.1%). Afterwards, the number of jobs decreases but less than the number of enterprises, which proves that surviving enterprises create more jobs.

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