Non profit

UK: Volunteer numbers slump

A recent report highlights that despite increased investment, UK "everyday heroes" numbers are flat if not actually falling

di Staff

The number of people volunteering in their communities has not increased since 2003, according to recent statistics.

According to charity sector think-tank nfpSynergy there has been a notable slump amongst volunteers aged 54 to 64 and government strategies designed to increase volunteer numbers are falling.

Leading not for profit sector think tank and research consultancy nfpSynergy's British Volunteering 2001-2007 briefing draws upon a representative sample of 3000 16+ year olds throughout Britain, tracking who volunteered, how and how often, throughout 2001-2007.

Almost one in five (19 per cent) people volunteered their time in 2007 – most commonly (10 per cent) by specifically supporting a charity/voluntary organisation. Many (6 per cent) also volunteered by playing a community role such as school governor. Moreover, there has in fact been a slight broad trend, since 2003, away from volunteering for charity/voluntary organisations, towards taking on community roles.

Interestingly, in 2007, some of the old stereotypes about who volunteers still apply: 21 per cent of women volunteer compared to 16 per cent of men, more older than young people, and those of higher social grades are still more likely to volunteer. People who are regularly involved in religious worship are also far more likely to volunteer than those who are not – 29 per cent compared to 15 per cent.

NfpSynergy's driver of ideas, Joe Saxton, commented: "Since 2003, volunteering levels in Britain have been fluctuating but broadly flat. Moreover, in some age demographs – notably older ones, and despite targeted campaigns – levels have notably slumped; whilst they have risen amongst other far less targeted groups, like 25-34 year olds. "The Government's strategy bears little relation to trends; and has failed to deliver rising volunteer numbers thus far."

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