
Germany: Civil society reacts to the Lisbon Treaty

International pro-democracy platform ATTAC urges member states to not rush into a premature ratification of the Lisbon Treaty: referendums are needed to guarantee democracy

di Staff

International pro-democracy platform ATTAC is up in arms after twenty-seven EU heads of state signed the Lisbon Treaty on 13th December. According to the platform, that is known for taking a strong stance against financial globalisation, the new Treaty lacks transparency and public participation.

In a public declaration undersigned by nine of ATTAC?s international groups the anti-globalisation network said that referendums should be held in all member states so that citizens may have their say. So far the only country that has announced a referendum is Ireland.

According to the international platform the ratification of the treaty will give economic liberalism free reign. Specifically they accuse the treaty of allowing free competition, submitting to NATO, encouraging states to improve their military capabilities and granting the EU the right to interfere in third countries.

The Treaty of Lisbon is further criticised for being too similar to the Constitutional Treaty of 2004 that was dismissed the following year by Dutch and French citizens. It is also said to be ?unreadable?.

Finally, says ATTAC, the European Central Bank will maintain it?s independence while the Parliament will not gain decisional weight in comparison to the Commission and the Council of Ministers.

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