
Italy: The Energy Count brings on a solar boom

A new boom in the solar industry has been brought on by new legislation that encourages energy saving: the Energy Count

di Staff

During the congress on solar energy in Montepulciano (Siena), professor Gianni Silvestrini, scientific diector at Kyoto Club, Cnr (National Council of Researches) and councillor for Pierlugi Bersani, the Italian Minister for economic development and for renewable resources, has spoken of ?a new boom for solar energy in Italy?. According to the figures, ?from August 2006 to the 1st of November 2007? declared Silvestrini ?about 5000 photovoltaic solar sysems have been installed. in our country?.

?In the month of October alone?, continues Silvestrini ?a peak of about 1000 installed systems has been reached. They are mostly small power systems?. It is a sign that the Energy Count laws, a system of eco-incentives to encourage enery saving, are obtaining the hoped results and that they have contributed to the birth of a clean energies industry. ?To give you an idea of the move towards?, adds Professor Silvestrini in the entire period 2000-2005 the average of installed systems was of 40-50 per month?.

?As for the thermal solar power? continues Silvestrini ?in 2006 the rise in the market has been very high with 2500 systems installed per month, while it is hoped for 2007, even thanks to 55% tax deduction determined by the Financial Law, that there will be a furhter 20% growth that could bring the average of installations to 3000 per month?.

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