
EU: Bloggers of the world unite!

Victory on all fronts for the first ever Blog Action Day, a coordinated online event that united the entire blogosphere for a day in the name of the environment

di Staff

Victory on all fronts for the first ever Blog Action Day, a coordinated online event that united the entire blogosphere for a day. On Monday 15th October bloggers from across the world posted their thoughts, tips, ideas and concerns. The difference between any other normal day in the blogosphere? That on Monday they all had a common theme: the environment. Nearly 20,000 bloggers sent out environmental messages, from practical tips on how to reduce household impacts to serious focused debate on the big issues of the day ? global warming, recycling and water scarcity.

European Environment Commissioner Stavros Dimas was among the bloggers who supported Blog Action Day, he in fact spent several hours answering blogger?s questions and comments through his own blog and said that the interested that was generated by the Day encouraged him in his work.

It is hard to say what the real impact of such collective action will be. Certainly the message that has come across loud and clear is that a united blogosphere makes debate global in real time. Whether debate can be then transformed into meaningful action is another matter.

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