
Ireland: Fundraising slow despite increasing demands

The Centre for Nonprofit Management at Trinity College Dublin has published the most extensive study on fundraising in Ireland. Download it here

di Vita Sgardello

Irish fundraisers face increasing competition, higher costs and must offer more and more accountability to donors. These are some of the findings of the most detailed fundraising study to have ever been conducted in Ireland, published by The Centre for Nonprofit Management at Trinity College Dublin.

The 52 page report, Exploring the Irish Fundraising Landscape: A Report on the practice and scale of charitable fundraising from the public in Ireland, is the result of a massive quantitative and qualitative research study of 960 Irish fundraising organisations and provides a detailed analysis of the fundraising landscape in Ireland today.

Surprisingly, despite the increase in fundraising initiatives organisations still rely heavily on state funding, raising on average only 23% of the total income of organisations.

The most popular fundraising mechanisms were found to be public collections, corporate donations and direct debit while web based appeals, legacies and major gifts were shown to have not taken off in Ireland as much as they have elsewhere.

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