
France: EU French Presidency takes shape

The Secretary of State for European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet has recently outlined the priorities for the July-December 2008 French EU Presidency

di Zesst

The Secretary of State for European Affairs Jean-Pierre Jouyet has recently outlined the priorities for the July-December 2008 French EU Presidency.

The key policy areas to be tackled by France under the forthcoming European Presidency favour three top issues: energy, environment and immigration. All are in line with Sarkozy's domestic agenda. In European terms the focus will be on growth and employment, research and innovation and the protection of citizens.

The signal of France?s return to Europe is opening a new era, especially on French ground where very few voices challenge the importance of the six-month EU Presidency. A large debate will be organized next December with the support of a new media agency, Euractiv France ? a branch of the eponym website located in Brussels. Some are calling for a major public consultation during all 2008 that may request active participation from the regions and their counterparts all over the European Union. If not the communication process runs the risk of losing the support of the people.

The troika that is to follow the Slovenian Presidency – France, the Czech Republic and Sweden – aims to co-ordinate its work to achieve new and better work for the Europe of the future. But let us not forget that the draft text of the EU Reform Treaty needs to be signed by all the heads of State or government on the 18th of October 2007 ? to pursue the dream and feed further thoughts.

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