
UK: The JRF issues new calls for proposals

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, a UK based social policy research and development charity, is issuing a call for proposals for research on housing and neighbourhoods.

di Staff

The Joseph Rowntree Foundation, one of the largest social policy research and development charities in the UK, has issued a research based call for proposals. The official aim is to ?identify datasets and develop a database of headline indicators and a series of related outputs for monitoring housing and neighbourhoods trends?. Where? Across the UK as a whole and within England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. The proposed budget is £250,000 for a three year period.

Anyone interested in participating should send their application no later than the 4th October 2007.

The research on housing builds on a report published by the JRF in September 2006 that examined a whole range of housing and neighbourhoods trends and highlighted areas of concern that were not being sufficiently addressed by government. The aim is to now produce an accessible data resource of housing and neighbourhood statistics as well as a set of indicators that will serve to monitor trends.

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