
UK: Football club scores community goal

Porthmadog Football Club in Gwynedd has secured funding from The Co-operative Loan Fund to build a new hub for its local community.

di Alpha communication

The social club – which will be adjoined to the Porthmadog FC stadium – will provide a welcome point for football fans and tourists to the area, and it will also act as a community centre for local residents to enjoy and utilise for events.

Currently its members raise income for the club through local initiatives such as car-boot sales, however it's hoped that the new social club will enable the community to generate a sustainable source of income by providing a venue for hire. The members are also currently working together to look at the potential for developing social enterprises that can operate from the social club.

Dafydd Wyn Jones, the club's treasurer, says: ?We're very grateful for the assistance and support from The Co-operative Loan Fund. Porthmadog FC is very community-focussed and the new social club will enable us to benefit local people and hopefully in the future, create new income streams.?

Sarah Lees, chair of The Co-operative Loan Fund, says: ?A local hub is vital for any rural community and so we're very pleased to be able to lend financial support to Porthmadog FC and help it meets its aims. As well as providing a base for local people, we hope that the social club will also help to boost tourism in the area which is an important source of revenue for small towns such as Porthmadog.?

Porthmadog FC's new social club is currently expected to be officially launched in August 2007.

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