ITALY: Fundraising: the birth of the ethical telephone
Elitel presents a new fundraising scheme that turns phonecalls into good causes
di Redazione
Elitel presents an innovative fundraising tool for charities involved in social, humanitarian and research initiatives.
Telephone service providers are offering 15% discounts that can be traded for ‘ethical quotas’ which can be donated to any of the not for profit organisations enrolled in the scheme. The advantage for donors is that their family budgets will not be affected but they can still support a good cause.
The associations already enrolled to the ?Ethical telephone? are: Avis, Cesvi, Enpa, PAM/WFP, Associazione SOS animali Onlus and Lega nazionale per la difesa del cane.
This is not only an innovative scheme that is of appeal to donors but also means that organisations will have a constant means of fundraising that involves new and old supporters.
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