
UK: New programme for socially excluded volunteers

The UK government is aiming to increase volunteering among the most socially excluded people in society and has pledged £1m (1.4m euro) to get it started.

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The ?Volunteering for All? programme, which will be run by the Office of the Third Sector, will contribute funding towards tackling the barriers that prevent volunteering among black and minority ethnic groups, people without qualifications, and those who are disabled or suffer with long-term illness. Organisations that will receive funding from the programme include Mencap, Scope, Timebanks UK and Volunteer Reading Help. Speaking about the new programme, Social Exclusion Minister Hilary Armstrong said: ?Too many of the most vulnerable members of our society are missing out on the chance to volunteer – to build skills and qualifications, develop self-confidence, and use their own experiences to help others…Right across groups at risk of social exclusion, volunteering is an extremely powerful way to enable people rise to the tough challenges they face on a daily basis.? www.cabinetoffice.gov.uk/thirdsector

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