RUSSIA: worldbank claims HIV/AIDS harm reduction programs in Russia
Harm reduction as an efficient method for preventing and reducing the HIV among drug users is not sufficiently developed in Russia so far claims the Worldbank
Only 63 programs based on the harm reduction methods are currently realised for Russian drug users which is not sufficient for Russian realities. These programs may currently only cover up 12 % of drug users in the cities of their realisation. Harm reduction with its low level and non-discriminating approach to clients does not find great acceptance in general in Russian society where criminalisation and stigmatisation of drug users and people with HIV is widely spread. So far the Worldbank has spent already 289 Mio US $ for harm reduction programs in Russia. In co-operation with Russian NGO counterparts the Worlbank will launch now another 61 harm reduction programs for a five year period from autumn 2006 on.
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