
UK: Department of health launches new Social Enterprise Unit

The new Social Enterprise Unit will encourage innovation and entrepreneurialism in health and social care and will pave the way for new services

di Alpha communication

” The new unit will encourage social enterprises to involve staff and service users in designing and delivering services tailored to meet people?s needs and also achieve greater value for money. To help with this we will establish a Social Enterprise Fund from April 2007, to help with set-up costs. Getting the third sector more involved in providing services will bring wider benefits by recycling proceeds back in to the community”, said Care Services Minister Ivan Lewis Jonathan Bland, Chief Executive of the Social Enterprise Coalition – the voice for the social enterprise sector in England, said: “The Coalition is delighted that the Department of Health has set up its Social Enterprise Unit to give doctors, nurses and other health professionals a helping hand in making the transition into social enterprise. We are committed to working closely with the Department of Health together to maximize the opportunities for social enterprise in the healthcare market.” The Department of Health Social Enterprise Unit will work very closely with the newly established Government Office of the Third Sector. www.dh.gov.uk

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