
Italy: Memorandum of Understanding Telethon-GSK

A three years agreement has been signed between Telethon and GlaxoSmithKline. A thousand pharmaceutical representatives from GlaxoSmithKline will be Telethon ambassadors.

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A three years agreement has been signed between Telethon and GlaxoSmithKline: it states that up until the end of 2006 about a thousand pharmaceutical representatives from GlaxoSmithKline will be Telethon ambassadors at family doctors, at specialist doctors offices and at hospitals.
By the end of the year more than 100 thousand doctors will be visited and made aware of the project.
The agreement foresees that GlaxoSmithKline shall contribute to the achievement of Telethon?s institutional goals through direct contributions and support to fund raising. GlaxoSmithKline will support, for instance, for the third year, the annual meeting of the medical-scientific commission.

Telethon is a major Italian not-for-profit Foundation responsible for raising and distributing funds for biomedical research in Italy, primarily in universities and not-for-profit research institutes. Telethon?s mission is to advance research toward diagnosis, cure and prevention of human genetic diseases.

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