Italy: International Ngos sign up accountability charter

Eleven major organizations agreed in London to provide an annual report on their transparency

di Redazione

The heads of 11 of the world?s leading human rights, environmental and social development international organisations have pubicly endorsed the first global accountability charter for the non profit sector. In an unprecedented step, international civil society organisations have come together to demonstrate their commitment to transparency and accountability. 

At the event, hosted by Amnesty International Secretary General Irene Khan, signatories agreed on a charter which calls on members to provide an annual report on issues ranging from governance and management to fundraising and disclosure on where funds are allocated. This initiative comes at a time when the non-profit sector is coming under closer scrutiny, both from those who want it to flourish and those who seek to curtail Ngo activities.

The 11 Ngos are: ActionAid International, Amnesty International, CIVICUS World Alliance for Citizen Participation, Consumers International, Greenpeace International, Oxfam International, the International Save the Children Alliance, Survival International, International Federation Terre des Hommes, Transparency International and World YWCA.

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