
Spain: A website for the “Made in green”

Aitex creates a website to promote the environmental-friendly label “made in green”

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Fundación Ecología y Desarrollo ? 25 May 2006 Aitex (Instituto Tecnológico Téxtil) has created a website in order to promote the international label ?made in green?, which was presented at the end of last year and whose aim is to provide final consumers with a label that makes recognisable those textile products which are ?made in green?. This label guarantees that the product has been made in production centres which respect the environment, which comply with workers? international rights and which do not use harmful substances. Aitex recalls that the textile markets have been subjected to deep transformation since market globalisation so that the ?made in green? initiative has no other objective that achieving that globalisation is also applied to the conditions in which articles are produced. Its aim is to avoid unfair competition and make final consumers aware of the values associated to the ?made in green? label. Under the leivmotiv ?A whole new symbol is born?, the website tries to explain in a concise and clear way what the label is and how it can be achieved. Up to now Aitex has certified 10 enterprises with this label. More information on:

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