
Hungary: Social contract on national strategy

HESC is preparing a social contract to advise on national strategies and to reflect the view of society on the future of Hungary in the European Union. The contract's aim is to find out the civil soc

di European House

The Hungarian Economic and Social Council (HESC) is a recently established consultative forum dealing with long-term strategic economic and social issues in Hungary. One of the primary objectives of HESC is to prepare a social contract. The aim of this document would be to reflect the view of society on the future of Hungary in the European Union and advise on national strategies. On the 25 May, 2006 meeting of the HESC in the Hungarian Parliament, the issue of a social contract was discussed in the presence of Prime Minister Ferenc Gyurcsány who stressed that the formulation and adaptation of a social contract could assist the economic, social and public administration reforms Hungary faces. Civil Society representatives (11 persons) of the HESC have tabled a common position regarding the social contract and pointed out the necessity that the dialogue and process should be open, inclusive and available for all interested parties. Although the concrete date of the adoption of a social contract is not yet foreseeable the process leading to it would be a real proof and test of state-business-third sector partnership. — About the Hungarian Economic and Social Council The HESC was established and held its first meeting on 24 August, 2004. Its aim is to discuss and advise on the long-term economic and social strategies of Hungary. There are 43 members of this consultative body who form a representative cross-section of society: employers, trade unions, academia and civil society representatives. The HESC is the national partner of the European Economic and Social Committee.

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