
Italy: Farmers donate seeds to jail

The Italian Agriculture Confederation (Cia) donated several kinds of seeds to prisoners of the Rome based jail of Rebibbia

di Redazione

The Italian Agriculture Confederation (Cia) donated several kinds of seeds to prisoners of the Rome based jail of Rebibbia. The donation has been carried out on proposal of the Regional Ombudsman for prisoners rights, Angiolo Marroni, and is part of a professional course in agriculture and maintenance of the public green that it will start in the jail. All the vegetables obtained from the seeds – beans, lemons, tomatoes, water melon and others – will be then assigned to those prisoners who don’t receive economic assistance from their relatives. «This project will give real job opportunities to the prisoners», said Angiolo Marroni, «in a field the society effectively needs». Cia will provide assistance and follow the project also in the near future.

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