Italy: new medicine to fight malaria
Eurartekin is born through cooperation between an Italian Pharmaceutical Company and a not-for-profit-organization
di Redazione
Eurartekin: a new drug to fight malaria is born through cooperation between Sygma-tau, an Italian Pharmaceutical Company, Chongqing Holley Holding, a Chinese Pharmaceutical Company, Medicines for Malaria Venture (MMV) a not-for-profit-organization and the University of Oxford.
Chongqing Holley Holding has identified the drug and produces Artemisinin, which is extracted from Artemisia herb, a traditional Chinese medicine with a 2000-year history; Sygma Tau has the responsibility for the industrial development of the project ; the University of Oxford coordinates the clinical area and MMV provides financial support.
The four partners are working for the international clinical and industrial development of Eurartekin to make it available as soon as possible, especially in those countries where malaria infection is nearly pandemic.
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