UK: Expert-led agency launched

A new agency called works with the government and other bodies to help voluntary and community organisations work more effectively.

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A new agency called Capacitybuilders has been launched in the UK to work in partnership with the government and other bodies to help voluntary and community organisations work more effectively.

The agency, which is led by experts from the voluntary and community sector, is initially being funded by the Home Office. Its primary focus is to implement the ChangeUp investment programme, designed to build capacity and infrastructure framework for the voluntary and community sector. The Home Office has committed £150 million over an initial four year period to this initiative.

Chris Pond, chair of Capacitybuilders says: “The government’s support in launching Capacitybuilders is a sign of its commitment, ensuring that voluntary and community organisations have the funding that they need to fulfil their potential and offer even more aid to the people they serve”.

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