
Spain: clothes to benefit all the world

Environment-friendly organisations, NGOs, trade unions and consumers are promoting a campaign to raise awareness about trade of cotton in the world.

di Ges

Environment-friendly organisations, NGOs, trade unions and consumers are promoting a campaign to raise the awareness about the conventional production and trade of cotton in the world. This campaign states that there are alternatives for ethical and honest consumption and intends to disseminate more environment-friendly, social and solidarity-based options.

The campaign invites consumers to ask themselves who makes the clothes they wear, how they have been made, with or without labour exploitation, with or without respecting the environment, with or without environment-friendly materials, etc.

This initiative is jointly led by an association called ?Iniciativas de Economía Alternativa y Solidaria? (IDEAS) and by a nation-wide platform of consumers, trade unions, ?green? organisations and NGOs.


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