
Spain: Caja de Canarias offers micro-loans

The Caja de Canarias offers micro-loans to promote self-employment projects

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The President of the Caja de Canarias and the mayor of Santa Lucía have agreed on a programme of micro-loans aimed to fund realistic self-employment projects. The only requirement to benefit from these micro-loans is that they must be promoted by individuals encountering difficulties to have access to traditional sources of funding because of them lacking guarantees. The amount of these micro-loans can not exceed 15,000 Euros, the interest rate is 5,5%, they are delivered with no bank charges, can be returned on a flexible basis during a period no longer than 5 years and can cover up to 95% of the investment planned. The main beneficiaries of this plan are long-term unemployed, women with family responsibilities, migrants, money-less disabled individuals, people in precarious employment and entrepreneurs who cannot provide any guarantees.

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