UK: Acevo welcomes Action Plan for Third Sector
It aims to improve commissioning, public services for users and to develop standard contracts in key delivery areas
di Acevo
The Chancellor of the Exchequer, in his pre-budget report, today launched the much-awaited Action Plan for Third Sector Public Service Delivery.
Stephen Bubb, CEO, of acevo, said:
?We welcome the determination of both the Chancellor and the Prime Minister to provide an expanded role for the third sector in public service delivery and a stronger voice for users. There have been significant barriers to the sector playing a bigger role, especially on contracting.?
?Our members have long campaigned for reform, and I was delighted to hear today the Chancellor announce his commitment to three-year funding for the sector.
?The Action Plan poses challenges for us as sector leaders. We need to look at capacity and leadership in our own organisations in deciding on our response. In 2007, acevo will be developing a programme of work to support sector leaders in helping organisations to influence the commissioning framework, and assisting in the negotiation of good contracts.
?The Government has opened a door of opportunity: are we ready to enter??
The Action Plan addresses existing barriers to an expanded role, and in particular suggests that three year grants should be the norm, along with longer term contracts. The Compact Commissioner will develop ways of measuring government progress on full cost recovery, and the Better Regulation Task Force will undertake a measurement of the bureaucratic burdens on third sector providers.
The plan also launches a major programme to improve commissioning, with the Office of the Third Sector and the Office for Government Commerce establishing a national centre for third sector commissioning. The Compact Commissioner will develop a benchmarking of good practice. The plan proposes to develop standard contracts in key delivery areas for the sector, and outlines work to be done on improving sub-contracting, developing consortia, and social clauses in contracts.
The action plan also looks at how the sector can work to help improve public services for users. A new OTS (Office of the Third Sector) Public Services Innovation team will be set up to further work to spread social enterprises through key government spending departments.
The plan establishes an arm?s length innovation exchange, enhancing rights of local people to influence and change local service delivery, and sets up a £30 million fund to support the transfer of assets from local authorities to community enterprises.
There will be an annual review of progress on delivery against the timelines established in the action plan. acevo is looking forward to working closely with the Office of the Third Sector to help achieve the aims of the plan.
A full statement on the Action Plan can be found on the Office of the Third Sector website:
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