
Spain: Social Welfare for disabled person

The Government issues a reform involving 1.3 million Spanish people.

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The Government issues a law stating the universal right of all disabled people ? 1.3 million Spanish people according to the Ministry of Labour Jesùs Caldera- to be assisted by the State. Due to its complexity, the reform, with a cost that could reach 1% of the PIB, will have an implementation period of eight years. According to the Government, the cost should be sustained 50% by the Central Administration and 50% by the Local Administration, to which Social Welfare is transferred. The Government wants this right to be equal to Health Care, Education and Pension. The Government and its allies from Left Green and Left Republican of Catalu_a are persuaded that this reform will change completely the welfare state. The point is to guarantee to each person unable to take care of itself due to mobility or illness problems ?especially elderly people-the same right to be assisted as all citizens in matters of Health Care, Education and Pension.

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