
Uk: co-ops in Somali communities

Avon Co-operative Development Agency is working to support its Somali community

di Alpha communication

Avon Co-operative Development Agency is working to support its Somali community and in August 2005 it registered Somali Voice as a co-operative. Somali Voice is a bi-lingual, independent and free newspaper and the first of its kind in the UK. The paper has a print-run of 5,000 copies per month and is made available to the 14,000 Somali people living in Bristol. It aims to inform, educate and entertain people on key principles of diversity and equality, as well enable local Somali people to integrate more effectively within their wider communities by keeping abreast of local news and issues. The co-op currently has four members and in addition to receiving support from Avon CDA and BRAVE Enterprise Agency, it also receiving ongoing production support from the Bristol Evening Post.

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