Monica, please, strike again

di Filippo Addarii

I must be blonde because I don’t really understand why everybody is so excited by the world coming together, quoting the host of G20. $1.1 trillion has been committed to the IMF and WB, a new head of NATO has been appointed and Obama received general plaudits. Even Oxfam is satisfied. But what has actually been achieved?

It seems to me that we increase the debt of future generations by giving more power to the China and Saudi Arabia of financial institutions – when someone lends you money there is a margin to pay. Not even slight structural reform has been proposed. Just smiles, pictures and some rioters surrounded by hundreds of cameras. There was such a need to send a positive message that agreement has been reached… about what nobody knows, but we agree. Naturally, civil society has performed its role enterteining the international audience with choreographed demonstrations. My father called me to be reassured that I had survived the metropolitan warfare. A man died of heart attack. The drama before the happy end.

Once the laughs wave away we will realize that nothing has been done and we are back in the crisis. The real issues have to be addressed on the reform of global governance, restoration of citizens’ trust in the system and leverage on non-monetary economies. There will be a shortage of cash for a while but we – champions of civil society – our main assets are still intact and can help the world getting out of the crisis. The third sector is still strong on trust, volunteering and non-financial incentives. We need to repackage them and voila! A new world of opportunities!

The President of the United States needs some help as well. He’s a goodwill guy but a special tonic is required. Monica must come back. Do you know Monica? You don’t? Even a pope a has been nick-named after her. It’s Monica, Monica Lewnsky. The woman who made the fame of President Clinton and led to the establishment of WTO – the first only real reform of the Bretton Woods system! – liberation of Kosovo and sexual emancipation of the American army. This is what Obama needs to lead the world.

Monica, please come back or I will have to volunteer to replace you and rescue President Obama… for the sake of the world!

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