Engaging the Future

di Filippo Addarii

Dear Ben,

What an emotion to see you leading a project you started from scratch. When you started working with me 5 years ago I was not expectig you to lead a Euclid project with a UN agency in 3 pretty challenging and different countries with such a success. Your achievement is my pride.

It’s even more exciting witnessing how we are building a new Europe engaging young people like you to connect to peers well beyond the EU and build together a joint future.

This is the not the Old Europe managed by a bunch of policymakers and functionaires behind the curtains but a New Europe emerging from people connected beyond borders and boundaries.

This the future of Europe – the key to its success!  

You spent the last week leading a delegation of civil society leaders, civil servants and policymakers from Ukraine, Moldova and Transnistria to meet peers in Brussels and London.

It was sweet to see how exhausted you were on Friday but it was worthwhile. Everybody was enthusiastic and keen on keeping the collaboration alive.

The best comment was by Taras, the director of the Ukainian NGO GURT: ‘After a week we go home but won’t forget what we have learn and will bring back the sould of Europe with us’.

Even Pat from the British Office of Civil Society praised us for helping British Goverment reaching out civil society internationally.

Today we can celebrate becasue New Europe has moved a step forward thanks to you, Leo, Victor from Creative Center, Sergei from Contact, Aliona from Resource Center for Human Rights, Taras and Vlada from Youth Center World Window (in the picture from left to right)

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