
8th International responsible credit conference on financial services

London will host the 8th International Responsible Credit Conference on Financial Services on November 13-14.

di Staff

Taxpayers all over the world are now footing the bill to rescue banks.Yet, it is households who are feeling the worst effects of the meltdown in the global financial system.Mortgage rates are rising after consumers have been encouraged to take on excessive housing debt, savings and pensions are threatened, and unemployment is rising.Irresponsible lending practices are the cause of this crisis.

Excessive financial risk was passed down from banks to the public.Now the banks have lost faith in households to manage these, lost trust in each other’s ability to repay debts, and the supply of finance has frozen over.

The response to this crisis must involve immediate support for households, but it must also lay the ground for new rules to govern the future provision of credit.

Join us in London to discuss the causes of this crisis and its impact on consumers and to contribute to the development of remedies to the biggest banking crisis in 60 years.


Dates & venue: November 13-14, London.

Find out more: www.cesi.org.uk


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