2011 to be European Year of volunteering
Volunteering to be the focus of 2011, says EU Parliament
di Staff
The European Parliament has adopted a written declaration urging 2011 to be the European Year on Volunteering, highlighting that there are more than 100 million Europeans of all ages, beliefs and nationalities who volunteer.
In order for a written declaration to be adopted, over half of all the 785 MEPs have to have signed it. In this case some 416 MEPs have signed it. In 2006 a Eurobarometer survey revealed that 3 out of 10 Europeans claim to be active in a voluntary capacity and that close to 80% of respondents feel that voluntary activities are an important part of democratic life in Europe.
The voluntary sector, says the declaration, contributes an estimated 5% to GDP of our national economies, and develops innovative actions to detect, voice and respond to needs arising in society,
Parliament adds that the European Volunteer Centre, the European Youth Forum, the Association of Voluntary Service Organisations, the World Scouts Movement, the Red Cross/European Union Office, Volonteurope, AGE, Solidar, Caritas Europa, ENGAGE, Johanniter International, the European Non-Governmental Sports Organisation and others – all representing thousands of organisations involving millions of volunteers – have all called upon the European Institutions to announce 2011 as the European Year of Volunteering.
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