2010’s best campaigns
As 2010 just closed we take a look at what the non profit world has been up to this year.
di Staff

By Elena Merli
Four of the most successful non profit campaigns launched in 2010. Four international organizations with very different aims. Four ways to be creative, to captivate and have a positive impact on society. From the logo design and the colours used for the slogans to the choice of words, from the strategy to the use of social media, everything counts towards a successful campaign. Below we describe them to you in detail highlighting some of the most innovative features .
Sow the seed: Oxfam climate change campaign
Sow the seed is Oxfam’s campaign action that demonstrates the growing concern and support for people unable to provide food for their communities because of the changing climate. It asks people around the world to grow a plant in solidarity to those struggling to grow crops in climate-change affected communities, or use a plant symbolically to represent their support. Both online through virtual crops or offline with real plants, this action engages people in the north and the south on the issue of climate change and agriculture as well as target decision-makers by calling for urgent political action.
In October 2010 Oxfam organized several events in over 30 countries in a week to raise awareness about the effects of climate change, especially on women food producers, and to demand action. Some of the best actions included “Wave of Change video”, parade of people, music activities including a concert, photo exhibitions and testimonies.
The Sow the Seed campaign has ‘grown’ around the world in many ways: in Paraguay women producers launched the ‘Seed on your desk’ campaign, delivering a selection of native seeds, accompanied by the message. In Peru members of Congress received a food basket symbolising the biodiversity, culture and cuisine of Peru. Oxfam India launched the ‘We pledge, you promise – Sow the Seed for Change’ campaign asking people around the world to grow a plant in solidarity with those struggling to grow crops because of climate change. ‘Flashcrops’ sprang up across European cities calling on EU Environment Ministers to ‘Sow the Seed’ for a fair and ambitious climate deal; from a mobile Flashcrop on the back of a huge tractor in Paris, to climate change scarecrows in Dublin and ‘cress heads’ visiting MPs’ offices in the UK.
Because I am a girl: Plan UK’s campaign to lift girls out of poverty
Because I am a Girl is a Plan UK campaign to lift millions of girls out of poverty and into education. Worldwide millions of girls are discriminated and treated as second class citizens, denied access to an education and are not able to enjoy the same choices and opportunities as their brothers. They are the poorest of the poor.
Plan’s Because I am a Girl campaign tackles these issues by raising money to fund and deliver projects, that directly help girls across the world change their lives through education. There is a special section addressed to girls that helps in fundraising while having a fun girls’ night to help another girl make a fresh start. The campaign also puts pressure on decision makers, getting them to take action and deliver education for girls in the world’s poorest countries.Many high profile celebrities are committed in helping Plan’s Because I am a Girl raise awareness of the issues facing girls in the developing world.
There is an interesting section on the campaign itself, showing how Plan is enabling the UK public take action through publications researches on girls’ education, how Plan is helping education win the battle in a war-torn country and explain different projects and their goals.
Part of the campaign is addressed to stop the Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in Bali, where it is estimated that almost the totality of girls still suffer genital mutilation. Plan is spreading messages about the dangers and how to get help using both traditional channels, and more modern media, including local radio and newspapers. It is also supporting the Malian Government, national institutions and local authorities in their battle to bring about legislation which would outlaw FGM.
Highlights of the campaign: Section on stories and videos starting from the Introduction to Plan’s Because I am Education to and with several stories and video stories from some of the project and the impact of the campaign around the world.
“Play the end game”: an online quiz that makes you understand through 5 questions how girls in the world’s poorest countries are discriminated in all aspects of their life and encourage you to act and make a donation or start fundraising.
Everyone: Save the children’s Campaign to Save children’s lives
EVERY ONE is a Save the Children global campaign to save millions of children’s lives that aims to stop children dying from basic illnesses in poor countries. What Save the Children needs is the will – from politicians, the public, aid agencies, companies, EVERY ONE – to make it happen on a global scale.
Actions in Italy: Italian Serie A team, Fiorentina, recently donated €250,000 for the EVERY ONE campaign – they will also feature the Save the Children logo on their official shirts for the season. During the ninth day of the Italian football league all the serie A teams encouraged the people to donate 2 euros through a text message.
“Dillo con un palloncino!” Say it with a baloon! Every red balloon symbolizes a child. You can take it, hang it somewhere, without letting it go. It will say that you can also save a children’s life. On the Italian website you can leave a message and post a picture to join the campaign. The most significant contributions will be collected in a photogallery and published on the Save the Children Italian and on the Facebook profile.
It is also to point out “Save me”, a Facebook game that aims to hold the red baloons in the air and multiply the Save the children on the web.
India has launched a pledge encouraging 100,000 Indians to sign up and remind their government of the urgent need to tackle child mortality.
Save the Children is supporting activities calling people to action around the world, and so far 3.194.839 actions have been taken to support the campaign. The NGO also called for a “Global fightback” against pneumonia on world pneumonia day, 12 November.
Hands Off our Medicine: Medecins Sans Frontieres
Millions of people in developing countries rely on affordable generic medicines produced in countries like India to stay alive. But Europe is pushing aggressive policies that will severely restrict people’s access to life-saving medicines. MSF patients, doctors, nurses & other affected people speak out & say “EUROPE! HANDS OFF OUR MEDICINE”
Hands Off campaign protests have taken place all over the world, from Nairobi to Kathmandu via Jakarta, Manipur, Brussels and New Delhi.
The goal of all of these actions has been to have provisions that would harm access to affordable, life-saving medicines for millions removed from international agreements such as the EU-India FTA. People can actively participate:
Sending a message to the European Commission to keep their HANDS OFF OUR MEDICINE! Demand to stop pursuing policies that will restrict millions of patients getting life- saving treatment.
Watching videos from patiens and doctors from around the world telling Europe “HANDS OFF” and share them with your friends, familiy, and network. One video is dedicated to the staff and supporters rallying outside the offices of the European Commission to deliver an open letter of protest against ongoing trade talks between the European Union and India that could damage access to affordable medicines. They can also participate to the events organized by MSF to raise awareness on the topic.
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