Non profit

12th Romanian NGO National Forum to foster collective actions

Third sector organizations need a common vision to accomplish their different aims

di Staff

CENTRAS and FDSC, together with ANBCC, Pro Democratia, Ce-Re, Pact Foundation, Opportunity Associates, Salvati Delta and with the support of the French Embassy and the Agencies of the United Nations, are organizing the 12th edition of the Romanian NGO National Forum that will be held at the Romanian House of Parliament on 11th, 12th and 13th of May, 2009.

The NGO Forum aims at finding a common vision for the evolution of the NGO sector for 2009 in order to contribute to its solidification. That is why, this year’s edition seeks to make NGOs understand that their mission may only be accomplished through collective actions and that their own well being and image are in close connection with the well being and image of the entire associative sector.

The participants will have the opportunity to develop close bonds and strong channels of communication as the agenda of this year’s edition will be structured using the “Open Space Technology”.

To register, participants should fill the form available at or download it from and send it to or fax it at: 0040 (0)21 223 00 12.

For further information, please contact the organizers at 0040 (0)21 223 00 10.




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