Non profit
Young European Laboratory of Theatre on tour in Europe
Young actors from different European acting schools perform together
di Staff
The Young European Laboratory of Theatre (JTLE) is a non-profit organisation whose aim is to create a European space for theatrical creation and study. The theatre troupe is bringing together a group of young actors from different European acting schools with a performance which will be shown in all corners of Europe.
The group will show its performance in France, Italy, Slovenia, Romania, the Czech Republic and finally Germany, throughout the month of August. The tour ends in Paris in early September with another week of performances.
The performances will be aimed at all audiences and free of charge.
Cafebabel has published the complete calendar of their performances:
- July 2d (Tuesday) to August 2d (Saturday): Residence at the Lycée Jacques Cartier Saint-Malo
- August 2d (Saturday) to August 7th (Thursday) Performances at the Saint-Malo Intra-Muro Theatre
- August 8th (Friday) to August 31th (Sunday) European Tour : Italy, Slovenia, Romania, Czech Republic, Germany.
- August 9th (Sat) to 11th (Mon) Performances in Genoa (Italy)
- August 12th (Tue) to 13th (Wed) Performances in Ljubjana (Slovenia)
- August 14th (Thu) to 16th (Sat) Performances in Maribor (Slovenia)
- August 17th (Sun) to 20th (Wed) Performances in Hunedoara (Romania)
- August 21th (Thu) to 23th (Sat) Performances in Auid (Romania)
- August 25th (Mon) to 27th (Wed) Performances in Prague (Czech Republic)
- August 29th (Fri) to 31st (Sun) Performances in Berlin (Germany)
- September 2d (Tue) to 9th (Tue) Performances in Paris
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